Hi, I'm Liselotte Molander,

For over 25 years, I’ve supported both leaders and their teams in taking full ownership for their lives, goals, and both personal and professional performance. 

As a coach and mentor, I believe the answers you need are already inside you, locked down by your past experiences, how your own personal culture has been created, and beliefs that are not going to allow you to progress into your future self. 

My Big Why and Motivation to Do What I Do

I believe in equipping today’s leaders to evolve their organization from good to excellent. 

I believe leaders who are empowered to embrace their unique and boundless brilliance will lead the way for improved corporate culture, employee engagement, fearless creativity, and mission-focused passion - which leads, inevitably, to increased financial outcomes. 

I believe that all true change can only happen from the inside out.

I believe the leaders
who transform their
potential energy into 
kinetic action in life and business can, do, and will continue to transform
our world.

The executives and entrepreneurs I coach want to become the ultimate version of themselves, the one that is capable of surpassing every milestone imaginable, and live a life more abundant than anything previously achieved in their family history. And, that is what I want for you.    

The typical clients I work with are:

  • Already successful and driven in their personal and professional lives.
  • Are not fulfilled with their current situation - whether it’s not earning their worth, not having the time to achieve other goals, or moving into a new area in their careers. 
  • Are challenged or daunted by the thought of doing something that has never been done before in their family - like starting their own company, creating or leaving behind generational wealth, and more. 
  • Want to create and leave a dynastic legacy for their family and friends. 
  • Want to fine tune their internal compass and move past the examples and beliefs formed during childhood and throughout their lives
  • Want to live a life of intention, purpose, and presence

The path to achieving individual results is, by nature, unique.
For past clients, this has included:

  • From overcoming limiting beliefs to closing 6 figures in new contracts in one month.
  • From scaling up an exhausting hustle that was making 6-figures, to heading a multimillion dollar team
  • From being ashamed about inheriting 8-figures worth in real estate, to owning and creating a legacy for future generations.

It's never about working harder, spending more time at the office
or sacrificing their health in the process.  It's about understanding who you are,  
what formed your past, what is creating your present and,
how you want to transform your future.

  • Liselotte Molander | The Wise & Wealthy Woman

    “I have hired Liselotte as a speaker at major events, participated in some of her entrepreneurial training and also in one-to-one personal development. Always the same warmth, professionalism, and many new insights. My warmest recommendations to Liselotte”

    Your Financial PT

  • Liselotte Molander | The Wise & Wealthy Woman

    “Liselotte is an incredible mentor. She has helped me in my business to increase productivity, get really clear on what I want to accomplish & streamline my daily activities. I highly recommend her to anyone that is looking to grow their bottom line and increase their ROI whether in a corporate setting or your own business. ”

    The Business Ignitor

  • Liselotte Molander | The Wise & Wealthy Woman

    ““I didn't know what to expect but once I worked with Liselotte, I was a convert. In just one telephone session, she helped me to let go of some of my more pesky inner limitations, and I felt nurtured, challenged, supported, and loved along the way.””

    Genius Catalyst | Super Coach

Here's the story behind my 
Catalyst Conversations 

As professionals, we’re used to hearing potential be thrown around as describing what someone is capable of achieving if we just know how and do it right. But I take a more scientific approach. 

I view your potential literally, as in your own unique potential energy. The energy capable of exploding into motion, becoming kinetic action. You don't just want a forward motion in your life - you want action.

That's where the "catalyst" part comes in.

A catalyst is a noun: defined as a person or thing that provokes or speeds significant change or action

Sometimes you don’t need a completely life-changing experience; a tweak and a different perspective are enough. Often a reconnect to a vision, a goal, or boost your energetic self is what is most needed.

The Catalyst Conversations are surprisingly deep, held in a safe, delightfully light-hearted way and can be used to break through a situation, tune up and calibrate before a big event or find the inner strength to take the next best move.

In a single, two hour Catalyst Conversation, we'll dive deep into what you want to achieve, the beliefs holding you back, and how you can accelerate your potential energy into life-changing kinetic action.


Are these the results you are looking to achieve as well?

The best way to get in touch with me is to send in below contact information. I'll respond within 24 hours.  

Hey! Thanks for contacting me! I will get back to you within 24 hours.