Are You A Victim of These 3 Money Stoppers?

Financial success, financial freedom… Elusive words until one put a price tag on it. Un-quantified sums and unlimited wealth, money and having fantasies about everything you could do with the money, can be a beautiful dream or a source for nightmares, a source of pleasure as well as self-blame.
If you don't know the dollar amount of financial success, it's difficult to calculate what it takes to achieve it. If you are unaware of the effect more money will have on your time or relationships, you may never address your innermost secret fears.
Once you know the emotional price tag, the reasons for failure become more apparent, and you can change your outcome.
Passing multiple six-figure revenues may stay a fantasy only if you don't address and eliminate your Money Stoppers adequately.
Here are three of the most common Money Stoppers. Is any of them yours?
Stopped by the Fear of Your Success
Many women dream of outstanding success; however, many people judge the successful stereotype of being cold, severe, and masculine. When looking for warm, generous, rich women as role models, the list may become very short.
First, ask yourself what vision do you have of an utterly successful woman? Then, make a list of your role models of women who are like you would like to be when you have doubled, tripled, or quadrupled your income.
Stopped by Your J-O-B.
Many women get stopped by their imagination of what a high paid job would involve, even before investigating alternatives. It doesn't matter if they are employed or self-employed; they are stuck in their belief of what implications of a significant money increase would mean in the form of working long hours, impact family life, losing contact with friends, and other sacrifices.
Pinpoint your beliefs to go to the root cause of your fear, instead of covering up your feelings by positive thinking. Then take action to eliminate the limiting beliefs so that you can be truly successful.
Stopped by the Money
Women who unconsciously reject money often stop an income increase by turning down new opportunities to make money. They may, for example, say no to a chance due to the tax effect it would have.
Income desires may be noble but not always productive. A new employer may reject a woman for a high-powered business position because she asks for a salary too low and may not convince the employer of her ability to give them a significant return on their investment.