Is Your Business Draining Your Money Flow?

If you're a business leader with a desire to help many people, it's easy to reach out quickly, to give advice, coach or just offer your help. You have a giving heart and a spirit of support and love. Often heart goes before business. Being a compassionate and caring businessperson is essential; however, Business First is critical for accelerating wealth, making more money and helping more people.
The wealth conscious entrepreneur honours values and knows that standards and efficiency not only serve your business model but also serve your clients and customers. Policies, guidelines and procedures may seem tedious, and you may try to escape them. However, your effectiveness will improve, as well as your clarity and ability to help more people.
Here are five must-haves to make sure you are a wealth conscious entrepreneur, honouring yourself worth, time and business goals.
- Honour your Commitments
Be careful with what you are committing to. In business, your commitment is your word. Be on time, be ready, show up and deliver. We all make mistakes and when you do, communicate it with the people involved. Be authentic and candid.
You may think this is obvious, but stop and think, Am I honouring every commitment at the absolute highest integrity level?
- Lead as an example
Your clients look at you as their role model so make sure you are modelling the positive image for your business and services. Your appearance, presence, energy, and language all represent YOU.
It is easy to get busy and forget what we are sharing. Walk your talk and preach through your actions and words.
- Run it like a Business, not a hobby
When you are in the service industry, you need to be clear on policies and procedures because your business is helping and supporting others. To truly help and support, you run your company clean and clear.
Create policies that you can keep. Make sure your team and your clients understand them and have them in writing. Keep all conversations and communication on a business level and remind yourself why you are running this business
- Invest in a Mentor
Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result is insanity. Trying to do everything on your own is too. For your business to grow and prosper, you need a seasoned person to ask for guidance and support, that makes everything is more manageable.
Running a business is not like driving on the highway. It's bumpy and messy. It is invaluable to have someone to bounce off ideas, ask, and get advice from, for your leadership and business growth. A mentor, or a seasoned coach, could be your best investment ever.
- Be Uncomfortable
Change means something is shifting, and we live in a time of moving, changing challenges. It is good but not always easy or comfortable. Get used to being uncomfortable in your business. Stretch yourself beyond the comfort zone, and you're stepping up to becoming a conscious business leader. It is in discomfort that we risk, transform and leap.
Your gifts are unique, and only you can share the blessing of you. Make sure you are in wealth conscious business mode. It will serve you, your clients, your Success, and it will, for sure, serve your revenue growth.