How to Hold Your Ground: The First Pillar of Boundless Brilliance

In my program, Boundless Brilliance, I have established six pillars of performance. These are:
- Holding your ground in leadership.
- Becoming wise and wealthy.
- Empowering your self-esteem.
- Amplifying your energetic antenna.
- Choosing power over comfort.
- Keeping composure under pressure.
In the next few weeks, we will go over each of these pillars in depth. (If you want to do a deeper dive into self-study, check out the 6 Pillars Workshop!)
What I have found in my 20+ years of experience in leadership, is that most leadership models are disingenuine. They set you up to fail because they are forcing you into a model that is outside yourself.
Any time we try to force ourselves into a mold, we are forcing ourselves to conform to a space, rather than creating a space for ourselves.
It’s literally the square peg in the round hole.
You were given those edges for a reason, and you need them. The pieces we choose to lose in order to conform are often the very pieces we need to succeed.
This brings us to the first pillar: Holding Your Ground in Leadership.
To be able to hold your ground, you have to know what it is in the first place. You have to give up the illusion of separation.
We are raised to believe two conflicting things - one, that you are an individual, and you are separate from everyone else. Secondly, that you need to be a part of a group.
Whether this is implicit or explicit, we all feel the conflicting pressures to conform, and the internal pressure to be individual.
The illusion is, in fact, that we are separate at all. You are an individual, and you are a part of a community (or family, collective, tribe, whatever you want to call it.) That community influenced and continues to influence your choices.
A perfect example would be a story about the two sons of an alcoholic. Both sons grew up with the same alcoholic father. One became an alcoholic because his father was an alcoholic. The other lived totally sober and became a substance abuse counselor because his father was an alcoholic.
Both sons were influenced by the choices of the parent, but that does not mean the choices were going to be the same.
While this is an easy example to understand, it is a much harder premise to apply. Think about your beliefs about:
- Substances
- Sex and intimacy
- Relationships
- Success
- Wealth
- Money
- Happiness
Where did those beliefs come from?
How are they still affecting your choices to this day?
How are they holding you back?
How have they helped you be successful?
Most importantly, how can you change them to become who you need to be in order to achieve the goals you have?
The answers are already inside you, waiting under these layers of beliefs and inherited traps we each have.
Unlock your own boundless brilliance, unlearn the illusions that keep you trapped, and unlock your potential.